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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wompum Song~By ChasinMichigan

[picture will become clear when you listen!]

Wompum Song~By ChasinMichigan

Another masterpiece by the delightful Chas...Check it out here :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Toast~Scalco [10/05/09]

~A Toast~

By Scalco

A toast...!
Never lie, cheat, drink or steal.
If you must lie..........Lie in a lovers arms.
If you must cheat.........Cheat death.
If you must drink.........Drink in memories -like these.
& if you must steal.........
.........Steal a kiss -from your love!

Chas~Mom's Song~[9/05/09]

Chas' Link to

"Mom's Song"

You should really stop by and have a listen....A really great bit o music! 
This is an orignal piece of work, and Chas played ALL the instruments!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Steps~PinksterTheGreat [9/05/09]


By PinksterTheGreat [9/05/09]


Walking alone ...
Following my own beat.
Moving my hips and legs.
Every step, moves with weights. 
Further I get, the heavier they feel.
Walking through sand and mud.
Damp ground, ankle deep, in my own shit!
Sometimes through green and yellow grass lands.
Other times through lavender flowers, 
and honey suckle flower beds.
Their scented oils, crushing into my bare feet bottoms.
Most of the time. Through black sands and dry earth.
Where am I walking to?
That whole lost to be found feeling. 
Constant in every step.
My hands always at my side. 
Bare palms open. Awaiting someone to grasp them.
Embrace them.
Waiting for you, to walk along side me.
Is that possible?
Or am i suppose to walk alone?
Circles or a straight line?
What is the direction I'm going?
Again. Lost to be found steps.
Instead of staring at my dirty worn feet. 
I stare up.
Endless clouds floating. 
Walking with me.
How I long to be so free as u clouds ...........
Wishing to break into thousand atoms of energy and soar to the Heavens.
Leave behind the material me.
Become more.
Scatter into a million pieces!
Walk with me!
Please take my hand.
Fingers spread awaiting yours to fill the gap.
Feeling only the wind between them.
Do I stop walking?
Do I slow down?
And wait....?
Walking ....
Sinking into my constant rhythm.

Twisted Tangents~Scalco [3/9/05/09]

Twisted Tangents
Perplexing Perceptions

By Scalco [3/9/05/09]

SO you want to know about me growing up....let's see, my youth... hmmm..

Ok, here's one.. I was at a dance with a beautiful girl & everything was going great, except she, had a weird shoe fetish, er something, smelled like thanksgiving dessert & just had to be home by midnight. go figure.. kept complaining about her sisters & calling them 'wicked'..

Wait.. No, it was me and six friends & a beautiful girl, who ate apples all the time. there was a lot of whistling... oh & everything was really big, like we had shrunk...

Ohh ohh even better I will tell you about the time where there was a big tornado that ripped the next-door neighbor's house off its' foundation. We never saw that poor girl, her dog, toto, or her weird red stiletto pumps, ever again.

Ok 1 more but then I gotta go..

When I was growing up I had to wear braces to straighten my posture. I had the biggest crush on my best friend Jenny & did a lot of running from bullies. T
Then I became a shrimp boat captain & named my boat Jenny after her. A toilet paper shortage on the boat, while at sea, ruined all the charts & I ended up lost & finally shipwrecked on an island for like 6 years & had no one to talk to but some dumb volleyball, that washed ashore. His name was 'wilson' (How freaking original -I know). Couldn't have been a GIRL volleyball? NOoooo. -Thanks God! 

And when I was finally rescued, my home town had been taken over by lunatics & hoodlums. I used my family's fortune to build up an empire & arm myself with the tools to fight crime. I began delivering my own brand of justice nightly, & drove a really cool, black, car.

Next time I will tell you about my uncle who was O.C.D. & every time he came in he had this ritual of changing his shoes & his sweater, for no reason & then feeding the fish. 

He was weird but cool cause he had a model train that ran right thru his house..! He was also a bit of a "know it all" and was always trying to teach me stupid stuff. 

Yeah & his neighbor's house looked like an over-flowing trash bin & he was a real grouch! I think he had something weird going on with this big yellow bird that was always hanging around. something wasn't right about that guy fer sure...

Ok, now the back story...

I am completely punchy from sleep deprivation & have been making no sense for some time now.
In case you hadn't noticed....
Allow me to bring it to your attention.
You know it..
I know it..
& now it's out there...
So, where do we go from here?
'Cause you are obviously still reading for a reason...
No clue, cause....
I don't know what I am talking about, know what I am saying?
Me either.... somebody stop me!

Urban Legends~Schuylar Langston AKA Schuymarch1 [9/05/09]


Urban Legends

By Schuylar Langston AKA Schuymarch1 


An urban legend is a story that it told throughout the years with different variations depending on the teller. Different variations can be caused by tellers changed the plot of the legend to a local setting, the teller may say the legend wrong because they forgot the story, or the teller may change something like the model of a car. With so many variations, it’s very hard to tell if any of it is true and where the story originated. Urban legends exist around the world. The ways urban legends are told reflect people’s fears. Urban legends can have things to do with contamination (fast food restaurants), crime (“The Hook”), racism (“The Choking Doberman”), pets (“The Microwaved Pet”). Humiliation (“The Brian Drain”), and leaving children with a babysitter (“Baby Roast”).


Many urban legends have to do with contamination. Urban legends about contamination may be started because of people’s guilt for eating packaged or fast food instead of eating meals from home. There are urban legends about objects being in food (severed fingers), bad health inspections (heads of cats and dogs), pets being cooked and eaten (Chinese restaurants), and semen in food (restaurants). KFC has had urban legends like someone getting a cooked rat and using mutant chicken. McDonalds has had urban legends about burgers being made out of worms, kangaroo meat, horse meat, saw dust, spider eggs, and cardboard. Chinese restaurants have the most food related urban legends such as heads of cats and dogs being found in the kitchen, people’s pets getting cooked because of a misunderstanding, and people’s pets being stolen for food.


Many urban legends have to do with crime. A well known urban legend about crime is “The Hook”.

Two teenagers park on a country road. The boy turns the light off and turns nice music on so that he can get the girl in the mood. News comes on the radio that says that a sex maniac is on the loose and the maniac has a hook for an arm. The couple was frightened so they drove away and when they got to their destination, they saw that there was a hook on the door’s handle!


The message of this urban legend is that teens shouldn’t have sex.


Another popular urban legend about crime is “The Choking Doberman”.A woman returns home from work and sees that her Doberman is having trouble breathing. She put the dog in the car and drove him to a vet. The vet said that he couldn’t see why the dog wasn’t breathing difficulties and he said that he would do work on the dog, but it wouldn’t be something that she wants to see so he told her to go home. When the woman got home, she heard her phone ring. The vet found three fingers in the dog’s throat! Police arrive at the house and find an intruder hiding in the closet with three fingers missing.


This urban legend has obvious racism because the fingers are usually described as black or Mexican.


There are urban legends about dangerous objects being in places where kids can get to them. Two of these urban legends are poison in candy and sharp objects in fast food restaurant play places.


There are urban legends that have to do with babysitters. One of these urban legends is called “The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs”.

A babysitter puts the kids that she is watching to bed upstairs. The phone rings and when she answers it, she hears a man’s voice saying that he is coming to get her. After it rings for a second time, the babysitter calls the police and they say that they will try to trace the call. When the phone rings for third time, the man says that he’s coming for her and it’s only a matter of time. The fourth time it rings, it is a policeman that tells her to get out of the house because the call is coming from upstairs! When the police go upstairs, they see the kids dead and a bloody axe on the bedroom floor next to an open window.


Another urban legend about a babysitter is “Baby Roast”.The parents leave for a few hours and they hire a babysitter to watch their baby son. When they come home, the babysitter says that she has a surprise for them. The babysitter goes into the kitchen and takes out a plate with the baby boy cooked like a turkey. The babysitter was high on LSD.


There are also urban legends about sex such as an urban legend that has couple being mauled by a bear in the middle of them having sex and an urban legend called “AIDS Mary” which has a woman that gives AIDS to various men on purpose. The man receives a note that says “Welcome to the world of AIDS”.


Urban legends are interesting, don’t you think? My favorite ones are the crime ones. I think that it’s amazing how urban legends spread throughout the world with many different variations depending on the country.

My Summer of Hell~By Schuymarch1~{3/05/09}

Here is an autobiography about the worst summer ever.

My Summer of Hell

By Schuylar Langston AKA Schuymarch1

In the summer of 2006, I had the worst summer of my life. I started hearing voices and I thought that they were ghosts. The voices liked to make fun of me, threaten me, argued with each other, and sometimes sounded like someone I knew. The voices that I usually head sounded like two boys. I tried everything that I could think of to get the voices to stop the voices such as going to someone else’s house, opening my door with the light on, and asking them to stop. During that time, paranoid thoughts went into my head like people thinking badly of me and people being aliens. A few days later, I went to my psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said that she wants me to go to a mental hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and that it would be only a day and I believed it. My mom drove me to the hospital with Trisha riding along. When he got to the hospital and went to the rooms, I refused to stay there. A police officer came and forced me into the room while I was yelling for mom.

I lay down in bed for the entire second day. When a nurse kept on telling me to participate in activities, I said no because I would only be there for a day. The nurse kept telling me that it wouldn’t be a day, but I barely believed her. When Mom came to visit me, I heard the news that it wasn’t going to be for a day. For several days, all I did was lie in bed and sleep while hearing the voices bugging me. While lying there, I thought that there was a video camera in the room that shouldn’t be there. After those several days, I decided to start doing activities and meetings while taking my medication so that I could get out of there even though I’m shy.


After over a month went by, Mom and the workers thought I should go somewhere else for treatment so I went to a mental hospital in Cherokee, Iowa. What I hated the most about the Cherokee hospital was that we had to go to the hospital’s school every weekday and the meals were usually gross. The voices continued to bug me. I stayed there till a day in August.


Even though the voices were gone from my time in Cherokee, I had to go to an out-patient program in my city. The out-patient program was for a few hours each day during the summer. In the out-patient program, the patients talked about their problems and did activities. During the first two days of my 7th grade year, I had to take school there.

After all that happened to me, I have no problems hearing voices and I have to take two types of medication to stop them from coming back.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nine at the Diner~Joking03 {27/04/09}

Nine At The Diner

Tick, tock
And I’m late,
Too late.
Swinging sign smiles:
Fluorescent light buzzes,
Humming the time away
While Moths hover like I do,
Attracted to the beaming hope
Of her red lighter.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

3am Musings~24/04/09~Blondeshark

Its 3 am and I'm a little fuzzy but came for a slice of soul pie and found other vagabonds here thankfully so you will have to endure my little ditty thing that just swept over me while gazing unfocused at this pic

Monsters Prefer Blondes 
With garnet locks I will prevail - 
With cunning Fox ... my full of grace, luckbringer. 
In, but not of ...... this world. 
An abstract existence in orange glow ... creatively foxtrotting in faith with caretrodden, supernatural, mossy paths followed. 
Halting, to sniff the air, looking keenly into eyes ... that appear ... and always longing for a warm den with multiple exits, and four or more paws entwined with mine   
I am the vixen wild 'n' free !!!
In neither Life nor Death, will they capture me?