Please me.............with that tender touch, that loving glance.
Squeeze me.............into that purple velvet~lined box beside your heart.
Ease me.............into that space reserved for the few.
Cake me.............in that smearing of lust,
that smattering of understanding.
Take me.............safely through the annals of my memories.
Break me.............then rebuild me, a better, stronger me.
Gut me.............with your nonchalance.
Tut me.............with sufferance and indifference.
Cut me.............with your words,
your deeds,
.........your flipancy.
Blow me.............the bubbles of potential,
.........the maybes.
Throw me.............with those unexpected smiles of meloncholy.
Sew me.............into the lining of your soul,
.....never lost,
........never lost.
Play me.............at my own game.
Flay me.............Butterflied.............Exposed.
Say me.............and your Mother ever saw eye to eye.....
Gate me.............Hem me in for mine own safety.
Hate me.............those deserv~ed times aplenty,
Plate me.............that 'lish'.....proffered with willing,
waiting~for~that~time~again hands.
And lastly..............
Love that me that only you see.
As I love the you for mine eyes only.
.........Always, your Ganika.
~For my Beautiful Boy, with the Soul of Rainbows~
~Valentines Day 2009~
Please me.............with that tender touch, that loving glance.
Squeeze me.............into that purple velvet~lined box beside your heart.
Ease me.............into that space reserved for the few.
Cake me.............in that smearing of lust,
that smattering of understanding.
Take me.............safely through the annals of my memories.
Break me.............then rebuild me, a better, stronger me.
Gut me.............with your nonchalance.
Tut me.............with sufferance and indifference.
Cut me.............with your words,
your deeds,
.........your flipancy.
Blow me.............the bubbles of potential,
.........the maybes.
Throw me.............with those unexpected smiles of meloncholy.
Sew me.............into the lining of your soul,
.....never lost,
........never lost.
Play me.............at my own game.
Flay me.............Butterflied.............Exposed.
Say me.............and your Mother ever saw eye to eye.....
Gate me.............Hem me in for mine own safety.
Hate me.............those deserv~ed times aplenty,
Plate me.............that 'lish'.....proffered with willing,
waiting~for~that~time~again hands.
And lastly..............
Love that me that only you see.
As I love the you for mine eyes only.
.........Always, your Ganika.
~For my Beautiful Boy, with the Soul of Rainbows~
~Valentines Day 2009~